Can we be motivated if our mindset is in the wrong place? Can we identify mindset barriers if we are not motivated? I think we can safely say that realistically we need both. Which to some people might be a bit of a shocker!!
Motivation acts as the driving force behind our actions.
When we find ourselves with mindset barriers the motivation can, at times, not be as productive as you would like. What is it that gets you out of bed in a morning? What is it that makes you turn your laptop on and look at your emails, your social media?
What is it that made you start your business in the first place? – What is your WHY?
This should be the deep-rooted motivation which will then give you the passion, the spark, the fire to get you towards your goals.
Remembering why you started your business, what you want to achieve, who you want to help, want to you want to produce, all raises the passion inside of you.
You then remember your purpose – what it is that you are here to do. What it is that your product or service is going to do for someone to help them, to make their lives better in a way that will make a difference.
All of this will raise your motivation.
Your passion is now sky high, you remember your purpose, you are motivated to tackle anything and everything!
Mindset isn’t just about positive thinking. Mindset is much much more than that. It is fabulous to be able to think positive about things, but that isn’t humanly possible is it? I like to think of myself of the positive person in my family, but there are still things I feel negatively about!
You have to firstly identify what is causing the mindset barriers – is it limiting beliefs,’I’m not good enough’, ‘people will laugh’, not being good enough, – only then you can start to work on these barriers.
Wouldn’t it be easy if all we had to do was ‘think positively’? – please feel free to do that, but it won’t take away the problem in the long term, trust me on that one! (I know, I tried it out – it doesn’t work)
In life you will always come up against challenges, whether it be in business or in your personal life.
Once you have been able to work through mindset barriers, you will find that you will be able to tackle the day to day challenges so much easier. Your outlook will be completely different, you will see things from a different angle every time. You won’t just see the negative side.
I cannot begin to tell you how euphoric it felt for me to sort my barriers out and be able to tackle challenges which came my way. It is an amazing feeling. There are so many trick I now have in my toolbox I didn’t have before that I don’t worry about taking anything on. It is fabulous!!!
Everything just falls into place, because everything in your mind is in the right place – but this only happens when you are motivated to do it.
Action Plan
Once you have your mindset in the right place your motivation will be on a roll because you will want to keep moving forward. You will be able to create your action plan to reach those goals you have always dreamed of reaching. It is achieveable!! You can do whatever you want.
You can do this because you get to choose. You have the right mindset and the right motivation.
Don’t forget thought you do need the two – unfortunately one doesn’t work without the other. Mindset and Motivation are quite good friends and they like to hang out together!
I’m Donna Walker – a Business Mindset Coach helping business women to reignite the passion and purpose in their business, identify and work through mindset barriers and help to create a bespoke action plan so they can move forward and create a successful business however that looks for them.