by Donna Walker | May 26, 2024 | Business, connections, femalebusinessowners, networking
What do you think the best way is to make that connection? Face to face networking? Online networking? Connecting online and following up? Or all of them???….I reckon it’s all of them!!! Networking is just the best!!! This week I have been to two face to...
by Donna Walker | May 26, 2024 | Business, femalebusinessowners, motivation
When we start our businesses we all know WHY we want to do it. We all know WHY we can do what we can do. So why oh why do we need to remind ourselves so often? The Big Idea We start off in business all guns blazing don’t we? We have this fabulous idea, we...
by Donna Walker | May 26, 2024 | Business, femalebusinessowners, growth
Fear is something which keeps us in our comfort zone. It has the potential to stop us in our tracks and take our dreams away from us. We sit in our comfort zone asking ourselves ‘what if’……well here’s a ‘what if’ for...
by Donna Walker | May 26, 2024 | Business, connections, femalebusinessowners, networking
Are face to face networking events part of your strategy? Is it one of your goals to attend more events? Face to face networking is a fabulous thing, its something I love and something I look forward too. But it may take others out of their comfort zone……....
by Donna Walker | May 26, 2024 | Business, Mindset
Do you listen to your inner self? Or as I like to call it – that pain in the neck little voice who really needs to put a sock in it!….. (the polite version) Donna Walker Is Mindset a new thing? Or are we just more comfortable talking about it these days?...